The day program is our proactive approach to reaching at risk girls before they enter a life of prostitution. We target 7th - 12th grade girls in poverty who are unable to pass their national exams and continue their schooling. We offer free courses in sewing, embroidering, speaking English, Bible, rug making, weaving, jewelry making, and farming. We want to provide these girls with opportunities to keep them from the dark future that awaits girls who cannot care for themselves.
Our goal is to provide girls who successfully complete our day program, the materials and resources they need to start their own business. $300 sponsorship provides everything that they will need for a whole year. You can give monthly to meet the need or a one-time gift. Please email us at [email protected] if you are interested in sponsoring a student so we know how to direct the funds. When you sponsor a student today, you are giving her HOPE for her tomorrow.